Thursday, February 02, 2006


We bought fish. Not for dinner, but for an aquarium we got for Christmas. We bought four goldfish, thinking that those would live the longest and be the easiest to tend. They all died a couple of weeks later. We're not sure why.

We did some homework and research before we bought. We bought the starter kit aquarium. We asked the pet store people. We tried to be informed. But, sadly, we're not experts. So, they died.

One of the things that I learned from this is that not everyone has the same opinion or information on how to care for fish. The kit said one thing; the books said another; and the people at the pet store said something in between. Unfortunately for our fish, we must have listened to the wrong information (or, possibly, misinterpreted it).

Now we have dead fish, an empty aquarium, and some sad little kids.