Friday, August 19, 2005

Shhhhh. I'm Hiding

So here I am, sitting, scrunched up under a large desk (it has to be to fit my large bulk). Why am I here? Picking up a dropped pencil? Playing with my computer's various cables? Cleaning up all the dust bunnies? No. I'm hiding. Not from my boss, but from my kids. We're playing hide-n-seek.

Am I having fun trying to see how well hidden I can be? Not particularly. In fact, playing with my kids can be downright boring sometimes (of course, at other times, it's a lot of fun, so I'm not complaining about the "raising kids" thing). Ever been bored doing some work for a client? Are some programming tasks downright boring? Absolutely.

But, we do them, anyway. Why? Because, down the road, it'll make for a better product, happier client, well-adjusted kids, and a happy marriage. We do lots of things in any given day that we don't enjoy (raise your hand if you enjoy your commute!). Most of the time, we do these things for some payoff down the road (in some form or another). So, ultimately, that's a good thing, right?

Darn, they caught me. Now it's my turn to find them. I wonder how long that will take...

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