Monday, July 03, 2006

Solitary Sport, Team Play

Programming is typically viewed as a solitary sport. That is, programmers are sent off into a cube, given their tasks, and emerge when the work is done. Obviously, a team exists, and get-togethers are common (sometimes too common). In some of the more agile environments, programmers are teamed together in pairs.

Recently, I spent some time "away from home," starting a new job (with the family to follow). I found myself, alone, in a apartment, with my evenings unadorned of family things: dinner, play, or any of the typical family-related evening activities. Did I mention that I was alone?

Great, I thought, I'll have plenty of uninterrupted time to work on some projects. I had plenty to do, lots of time to do it, and absolutely no motivation to get started. I found out something very interesting: it's hard to get motivated when you're the only one in the room (or whole apartment, in this case). I've not worked as a sole programmer on a project, so I'm not sure how they get motivated. However, I realized how important it is to put a team together and keep them together. They play off each other; they require each other to be "near" (even though they may not constantly communicate); we are a social animal, even when we work.

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